Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Got Fired

So i got fired from my job today, And i dont give a fuck. I was standing around talking with someone not working as usual, when my manager walks over and asks if we are staying on task, I reply with yea we are on task not working because we don't give a fuck faggot and at that moment i knew i was fired and walked out the door. That job sucked dick anyways time to find a new one that sucks even more.


  1. Where were you working? Way to tell off your manager though! Whoo!

  2. I was working at an warehouse, worse place to work ever.

  3. way to.. *walk it off*... lol

    shit joke, but in all seriousness, without sucky things in our lives, we become completely uninteresting. nobody wants hear how GOOD your doing all the time.

  4. How about find a job you like? :P

  5. No such thing as a job i like as a college drop out, and i don't plan on going back to school either.

  6. very nice
    i like it
    supportin !

  7. Balls of steel man, balls of steel. XD

  8. you should seriously consider becoming a guard at a jail. What you got fired for is basically your job.
