Sunday, October 3, 2010


Some fucking idiot almost side swiped me today when i was going to game stop get some mother fucking Dead Rising 2, Luckily for me i have the reactions of a fucking pro ass fighter pilot or something because as this dumb ass in his big ass fucking purple truck decides to not signal, or look as he just swerves in my lane i stay calm and pull off a move straight out of Starfox 64, i felt like slippy was cheering me on after i got out of the way of that giant glorious faggot and his purple truck. Any way at the next stop light i pull up next to him with my sweet ass death metal blasting and my long glorious hair flowing in the wind like fucking Fabio, I say "nice truck faggot", and drive away into the sunset.


  1. you're cool to drive away in the sunset

  2. Hahahah dont be sad ok :))
    The Santa come soon:))

  3. lol awesome post... i hate shitty drivers

  4. 90% of dicks on the road I see are driving trucks that are way too big for them

  5. :Some fucking idiot almost side swiped me today when i was going to game stop get some mother fucking Dead Rising 2,"

    goddamnshit you cuss like a motherfucking sailor. haha

  6. Yea, there are WAY too many bad drivers out there. Grats on not getting destroyed.

  7. In Soviet Russia, Presents open YOU
    Yeah man, today I had some prick just get in front of me and at half the speed I was going. PEOPLE

  8. that is cool mate really
